Exhausto Fan
Installation & Testimonial
My name is Fred E. I have been
a general contractor here in Portland, Oregon for twenty-five years. I
have built or remodeled just about any kind of structure you could name,
but capped off my career with a beautiful cedar house on a mountainside
with a city view. |
I bought an Exhausto RS 9 from Volko
Supply, and found every aspect of the transaction helpful and easy. The
salesperson agreed that an RS 9 would easily solve my problems, so I
ordered it and found it waiting on my front porch courtesy FedEx ground
in about a week. The whole purchasing process took about ten minutes by
phone, including free advice. |
The chimney is a traditional brick
chimney with 8 by 8 flue liners, but the inside of the house has masonry
thimbles for woodstoves instead of fireplaces. Cool air often creates
downdrafts, and the whole house can become almost uninhabitable due to
creosote odors. After a year of trying to figure out a chimney cap
solution, or any solution less costly than an exhaust fan, I realized
that I had spent about $5,000 worth of brain-time for a problem that can
be solved for about $1,000 in materials. Also, my clients were probably
about to die of creosote poisoning. |
Installation went perfectly. All parts came
with the fan, including a really nice speed control. There were extras of the
sorts of bolts you might drop, and no parts were missing at all. (My only
complaint: the waterproof conduit connector came cross-threaded, though I was
able to force the threads back where they belonged.) A technical note: I used
an angle grinder with a 4” diamond blade to cut off the flue pipe and to smooth
the masonry. It was the perfect tool for the job.
masonry installations like mine, the fan “floats” on a fiberglass mat,
with a keeper cable in case of hurricane-force winds. There is
absolutely no sound transmitted to the house.
The unit
uses about ten watts, because the slow speed is fine for this
installation. Even at full-tilt it uses a mere 40 watts. From all
appearances, this fan will run forever. My clients will keep it running
full-time all year, and will never smell creosote again!
Thank you
Volko for this ultimate and total solution to downdraft problems. Now I
really can say I’ve capped off my construction career, and can retire at
last. |
Exhausto Fans...the
ultimate draft solution.
Click below to learn more about Exhausto Chimney Fans
Easy No-Mess Installation.
Quiet operation.
Eliminates smoke odors. |
Easy to operate.
Low operating cost.
Variable speed
motor. |